How to Choose a Business Consultant

How to Choose a Business Consultant

Hiring a business consultant is not for everyone and can be a vulnerable move for a business owner. So, when you do decide to make the leap and hire, you want it to be with your right person, and someone that will actually help you and not tangle things up. A business...
20 Ways to Support Small Business

20 Ways to Support Small Business

With the corporatization of America absolutely exploding right now, we small, endearing businesses need as much support as ever before. There is so much you can do to help and support local and small businesses, and most of it is free!    1. Partner with small...
10 Tips for Maintaining Authenticity in Business

10 Tips for Maintaining Authenticity in Business

Authentic.  Adjective.  Representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified. ( Do you appreciate authenticity?  Me too. Do you tend to trust people you feel are authentic?  Me too.  Do you scrutinize things for...