Hiring a business consultant is not for everyone and can be a vulnerable move for a business owner. So, when you do decide to make the leap and hire, you want it to be with your right person, and someone that will actually help you and not tangle things up.
A business consultant can be used to get a start-up off the ground, help pivot or refresh an existing business, help raise revenue and profit margins, or help find solutions to problems within a business.
Letting someone into your business in such an intimate way can take a lot of trust.
So, how do you know which consultant to hire when you need some support? Here’s some tips and questions to help you find your right fit.
Commonality. Chat with the consultant, and not just via email. Do you jive? Do you share ideals? Does the conversation flow? Do you have similar lifestyles or philosophies? Is he or she excited when they speak with you, or seemingly bogged down or jaded? Find someone that meets your energy, or at least the energy you’d like your business to have.
Experience. Do they have actual real-life business experiences? (trust me, this is invaluable) Have they ever started or ran their own business and in what industry? What do they care about in business and life? What is their niche? With these answers, you’ll know if they will fulfill your specific needs.
Worth. Explore the pricing structure- are there options and packages or a one-size fits all offering? Is it in your budget? What is your return on investment expected to be? Find balance among these answers. Find someone who will work alongside you and support you, not just hand you a report and send you a bill.
Testimonials. What are others saying about their work? Is it personal feedback with real details, or just a star rating?
Sense. Do you like the look and feel of their past business(es)? Are they out-of-the-box thinkers or do they stick to an ‘old school’ way of doing things?
With anything in business, my take is that it is always worth it to spend time on finding YOUR right fit. See our past blog for information about finding your right fit while hiring staff. CONTACT ME if I can be helpful to you!

Hiring a Business Consultant
Hatched Consulting HatchedConsult.com