Alright, I have to get something off my chest.
Being an entrepreneur is not easy.
Starting a business, and then maintaining, growing, pivoting, nurturing and investing in your business is not easy.
The beef I have with some business coaches and online business courses is their promise and mirage that it is all so easy. That’s a flat out lie.
While business ownership certainly has its perks, and business coaches and online courses may be able to ease some of the hurt and help get you from A to B so you aren’t doing it all alone… IT WILL NOT BE EASY.
So, buying that magic bullet or believing someone selling a romanticized version of starting and owning a business? Don’t fall for it.
Having a business coach that never actually started, ran and pivoted a real, actual business, might not know what an entrepreneur’s day is like, what their decision-making process is like, and how to really make a difference in their lives. When starting up: Ask questions. Do the research. Prepare for battle.
You CAN do it. It is fun, exhilarating, rewarding… and a host of SO many other positive things. But, let’s all be honest and stop romanticizing the uphill climb to get there.
It is doing entrepreneurs a disservice. Romanticizing the idea and making it sound foolproof and easy is setting that person up for failure, disappointment and shock.
Instead, let’s embrace the toughness, polish the grit, and fuel the excitement!
I’m no “magic bullet,” but I can help ease some of the climb and get your business off the ground. Read my past blog on HOW TO CHOOSE A BUSINESS CONSULTANT and REACH OUT today.