Inspiring Small Business Story: Mama Hu Hears

by | Apr 1, 2022

Mama Hu Hears

San Diego, California


I had a nice, long chat with Dr. Michelle Hu of Mama Hu Hears, LLC out of San Diego, California.  Michelle is warm, caring, and nothing but her authentic self; all while running a successful business, being a military wife, raising three young children and serving as an influencer in her field.  We bond over the fact that she is a Midwest gal at heart, having grown up in Kent, Ohio. 

Michelle was diagnosed with progressive hearing loss at the age of 3 years old, and received bilateral cochlear implants later in life.  Here’s her story about how she became an audiologist, to help those she related to most.  Hear about her journey as she formed the Mama Hu Hears Community and her related e-course and handbook program, titled “My Child Has Hearing Loss, Now What?” to help empower Deaf/ Hard of Hearing families and children.



Who is the before person?  What was she doing and feeling?

She reports she always saw herself as “little Michelle.”  She was the glue that held her many friend groups together and just brought people together in general.  Michelle reminisced that she was “a girl with positivity that had always been a fighter for people to see their own greatness.”


How did this opportunity present itself?

“I never thought audiology was going to be my thing.”  One day, while waiting for an audiology appointment, her mom turned to her and said “you’d make a great audiologist” … and the rest is history.  Once practicing, Michelle kept getting “life hack” questions from her patients, ex. How do you wake up at night for your kids?, etc.    

She started to realize that she did so many things differently than people who had normal hearing.  Michelle felt called to share her wisdom, and friends encouraged her that she has a lot to offer her community.  During her maternity leave with her second child, she was sitting with her husband and another couple they were friends with.  She states they got to talking about the business idea and ended up with a name.

“I wanted to be private, and not all-over social media, but I decided to just get started.”


“I wanted to contribute more to my family financially without going back to work 40 hours per week.” 


When did you know you were going to jump in?

“I started getting so many messages from moms in the Mama Hu Hears Community I developed online.  I signed up for an influencer course.  I couldn’t believe how much the community was growing  just being “me” and sharing what I had learned growing up with hearing loss.”  Another friend who was an Audiologist encouraged Michelle to make a program with her experiences and knowledge, and added it would be “one of a kind.”

Michelle was intimidated by the process of registering the business, so her supportive husband took the reins and registered for her LLC, EIN and bank accounts for her.


What went into the decision-making process?

Michelle told herself that she was going to run the Mama Hu Hears Community for one year, and if she was still enjoying it, she would then monetize the community in some way.  After that year, she asked herself:

“What can I do to make these children feel like they are soaring in the sky?”


The answer that came was: Empower their parents. 


What were some roadblocks or obstacles?

“Imposter Syndrome and mental blockage.  The first day that I was not morning sick with my third pregnancy, I began to record my online program.  All I wanted to do was make an impact and help people in a non-clinical way.  I took an entrepreneur course and went forward intentionally.  I sat, listened, and eased into it in an authentic way.” 


What would you have done differently if you could?  Any regrets?

“Maybe I didn’t need that influencer course, I had it in me all along. I didn’t even finish it because it didn’t make me feel good.” 

I let go of playing the game.  It wasn’t serving me, and everything was so successful.  I was along for the ride!


What is some advice you have for current and aspiring entrepreneurs? 

“Try and try again.”  I have millions of unfinished ideas and projects, but it was this one idea that I couldn’t quit on. 


“LET it happen, don’t force things.”


“Meet people where they are.” 



Goal for the business now?

Simply, “to use Mama Hu Hears to help children soar.  I want them to realize they can do anything and everything they want.”


How things are going currently?

Currently, I am finding the balance between time with my own family and serving other families. 


Who were the most instrumental people in your team/ start up process? 

Karen Putz- she gave me an hour each week of mentoring and friendship. 

My girlfriends- who said I had a lot to offer.

My husband- who believes in me. 


Where do you see the business going/ accomplishing in the future? 

“That through Mama Hu Hears, children all over the place will know that anything is possible.”

I want “time freedom” and to give my hard-working, supportive military husband a relaxing retirement!


Anything else to know?  Other big pieces to the story we have not discussed?

Keep an eye out for new projects, ideas and offerings- we have lots brewing! 


Find The Mama Hu Hears Community on:




Be sure to check our her one of a kind COURSE AND HANDBOOK!