Hiring: It is Completely Worth it to Wait for Your Right Fit

by | Oct 7, 2021

Have you ever hired a “warm body” to fill a role in your business?  You regretted it, didn’t you?  I’ve been there.

Your hires are an extension of your business, they represent your mission, and are an extension of yourself in many aspects.


Why you should absolutely wait for your “right fit”…

Hiring someone just to fill a vacancy, without taking the time to make sure they are just who you need in that role, you’re instantly lessening your business and mission.  Your team is truly only as strong as your weakest link.  By hiring a weak link, you decrease the strength of your entire team.

Too many times in business you are pressed, needing some extra hands… and fast.  When in these situations, it’s easy to be tempted to hire a “warm body” in those moments, to get that role filled ASAP.

I can guarantee you will eventually regret hiring a “warm body.”

  1. You will waste your precious time training them; time you likely don’t have in the first place.
  2. They won’t bring the skills to the table that you really needed them to have, creating a sense that there is still a vacancy in your team, a need that has not yet been fulfilled.  This may even lead to hiring yet another person… the person you needed in the first place.
  3. They won’t stay long, and you’re back to square 1.
  4. The might stay really long, like overstay, and you’ll always wish that you had hired more smartly for that particular role.
  5. Hiring blunders carry weight with your current staff, and can get them raising some eye brows. Continuity of your current team is important.


So, how do you avoid these hiring regrets?

  1. Try anticipating your hiring needs while they are wants, not over due and urgent requirements.  This will allow more time to find, hire and train your perfect person.
  2. Don’t wing your interviews.  Make a list of pertinent questions to ask each person.  Hone in on their skills, the way they think, and if they will fit into your existing team.
  3. Call References.  Call them, not email.  All of them.  I only hire people that have what I call “screaming recommendations.”  You know, the ones on the other end of the phone line basically ranting over what a what a wonderful person and employee/ co-worker they are/were.  I also keep an eye on how long it takes for a reference to cal back after leaving a message.  Those that call back quickly, hold that person in a higher priority.
  4. Have your team meet them for a second interview, or simple casual luncheon.  Maybe someone else on the team will seem something you don’t (good or bad).
  5. Hire more for the personality rather than the skill.  Skills can be taught, personality cannot.

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