GUEST BLOG: Success: The Not-So-Finite Resource from Dr. Gabby Goldach

by | Oct 12, 2022

Dr. Gabby Goldach believes that true healing happens when we have the ability to feel at home within our own bodies, minds, and hearts. This holds true for the newest and oldest members on this earth alike. Dr. Gab is both passionate and humbled to be able to help people find their way back to physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness by way of chiropractic.

It is not often that you meet a fellow woman, entrepreneur and traveler that you connect with in the first minutes of a Google Meet. She is an amazing writer, practitioner, healer, entrepreneur, and someone I feel will be in my circle for a long time.

When she mentioned her writing and mentorship, a guest blog seemed more than appropriate. Read her goodness below. Maybe it will give you goosebumps like it did me.

Dr. Gabby’s Family Chiropractic Studio- The Inside Space- can be found in Columbus, Ohio.



Success—the not-so-finite resource

a story of veracity, trust, and getting the heck out of your own way

I had always known that I wanted to have my own business.

It is not for lack of wanting to be a team player, as being a contributing member of a team or group had been all I had known until I graduated from Miami University in Ohio, during which time I played division one field hockey on a conference winning team.

I loved the team. I lived for the team.

However, it was always clear to me that in this passion of mine that I have been fortunate enough to turn into, not just a profit-earning endeavor, but something that genuinely and positively impacts both individuals and families in our Columbus community, I wanted to be the one calling the shots.

Within the last several months, an intrigue in Human Design has overtaken me. I had my “bodygraph” read to me, bits and pieces of my chart dissected, and I have done my damnedest to interpret the language that is encoded in the blueprint, energy centers, and the gates that reveal so much about, well, myself.

One of the most pivotal things that was interpreted for me is that, based on my very moment of entrance earthside here in locally in Columbus, Ohio, I hold the profile of a what is called an “investigator Martyr”. In layman’s terms, this translates to the fact that no matter how easily someone may lay out the path before me, I have to uncover the way myself. My way.

You have a system you’d like for me to use? I can think my way through a different one.

You have a month’s worth of social media content for me to simply plug and chug? Forget it, my creativity will spark at the exact moment at which it is time, when it feels most authentic, and that is the place from which I will create.

You have a cookie cutter method by which I should analyze my clients? Not a chance.

For me, I have a deep-seated and inarguable need to figure it out myself.

And in knowing this about myself, it has given me freedom to stop trying to do things in a manner that would resemble that of someone else, let alone anyone else. I can attempt, learn, unlearn, seemingly “fail”, and try it all again until I succeed in a way that feels in alignment with me, my vision, and ultimately my goals.

So read this. Soak it in. Read it again. Live it. Give yourself permission to do whatever it is that you do in a way that feels most in integrity with yourself. Your business is yours, through and through. No one can replicate your ideas and bring them to fruition the way by which you envision them, sense them, breathe them, and live them the way that you do.

It is time that you trust yourself, that you believe in yourself, that you maintain patience with yourself, that you pour in to yourself.

And speaking of pouring in to yourself…

A quick anecdotal moment (who doesn’t love a good non sequitur).

While my internal truth meter had always pointed me in the direction of creating something of my own, I was wildly intimidated by the idea of starting a…company. Anyone else out there build up a certain word, creating a narrative around what it means and even IF it is possible for you? Coming out of chiropractic school, I had a longing for exploration. This desire to explore and be of the world, as opposed to just in it, led me to Oslo, Norway.

I found myself employed for an American guy with a larger than life personality, who turned out to be a total narcissist with a god complex. But hey, we live and we learn.

And learn I did—I learned the importance of humility, in addition to the importance of instilling hope. I learned the importance of honestly and integrity in both business and life, as well a quick way to decrease client and patient retention.

However, I think the most important lesson I learned involved destroying my narrative surrounding what it means to start a…company.

And the lesson went a little something like this:

It seemed almost too simple to be true. Especially for us visionaries and idealists who see the giant picture, the end product, with some hesitation and hindrance developing in the murk between A and Z.

I had watched this man build multiple successful practices multiple times over.

And when I asked him how he started, he replied with the following:

Take great care of the one.

Excuse me, what?

That was it?

Just take great care of the one.

The one will take care of the rest.

I have thought about this statement nearly every single day, even before launching what is now known as the inside space.  a family chiropractic studio.

It took away the overwhelm, the need for speed (okay, who am I kidding—that deep desire for things to be better, faster, stronger like yesterday still pulsates within the confines of my skin, but it is most definitely ameliorated when I think back to the above statement), and it also gave me permission to take care of people my way.

Not the way of my mentors, or colleagues, or best friends. But in a way that felt like home to me.

Not such a non sequitur after all, eh?!

So with the very first person who laid down on my table, I vowed to myself to take care of them as if they were the only person in the world. Like they were my own flesh and blood.

And as I did this, I stood back, taking witness to referral after referral come my way. Many of them did not even know why they were here, preparing themselves to lay down in my chiropractic table.

And it didn’t even matter.

They were now my one.

And I sit here now, with 11 months post soft launch of my practice, my livelihood, my shared passion. And I remind myself with each and every person who books for an initial session, who walks through our doors, who lies down, ever so vulnerably on my table, and I do my very best to take care of them as if they are all that matters in this world.

Whether it is a newborn with latching issues, an eleven year old with sensory processing challenges, or an adult who is simply looking to connect with self on a deeper level, at that moment, they are the most important person in the entire world.

I am enamored with this thing that has both been built and synergistically has built me over this past year. I literally sit in awe at the thing that has been created almost solely by word of mouth referrals.

And I write this not to brag, as there is still so much work to be done.

But I write this with warmth and love and encouragement that when you do what is most in alignment with you and no one else, a boom is inevitable.

Whether you are in person selling a physical product, a service, or an online course, if you allow yourself to be who you are, without the narratives, without the limiting beliefs, without the incongruencies, success has no choice but to land upon you.

After all, it has been within you all along.

Dr. Gabby Goldach

The Inside Space. A Family Chiropractic Studio.

[email protected]
(614) 558-2789

Photo credit: Colleen Murtha. Instagram: @colleenmurthaphotography