10 Things Heart-Centered Businesses Do

by | Apr 15, 2022

1. Provide Value to Their Audience.

Heart-Centered Businesses try to provide a solution to a problem or fill a need in their community, thus providing value.  A heart-centered business owner sits back and identifies a need in the world, and fulfills it.  This makes your business/product/service useful, purposeful, valuable … which also then makes your business gain repeat business and helps them remain financially stable.


2. Listen, Just Listen.

Heart-Centered Businesses show they care. They listen to their customer and truly hear what has been said, what the need is, what the problem is.  A heart-centered business leads with their heart and not just their wallet; thus showing that they are looking out for the customer and not just themselves.

Heart-Centered Businesses truly understand their customers and that there is more value in the connection rather than burning bridges for a few extra dollars.  This is how heart-centered businesses establish longevity in customer relationships and build trust with their consumer.  THIS helps build a solid foundation for your business to thrive upon and provides balance within your purpose.


3. Stay True to Themselves.

Heart-Centered Businesses aren’t copying another idea, they are fulfilling theirs.  They have designed a business that embodies their passions, and gets them coming back day after day.  Heart-centered businesses truly care about how they are viewed in the world because this business represents them in the truest ways.


4. Build Relationships from the Heart.

Heart-centered business keep their customers in mind and truly empathize and understand them.  They build actual relationships with their community and customers through their heartfelt desire to know more about them and how best to serve them.

They remember things about their customers; like their names, that they just got back from vacation, and how long they have been a loyal customer.  They want to show that they care about their customers in a real way.


5. Tell the Truth, Always.

What good ever comes from lying?  Heart-centered businesses sleep well at night.  They lead with the truth, even if it involves them ‘eating crow’ and admitting to a mistake.  They own the business and everything that happens in between.

They have built such trust and such a relationship with their community and customers that they believe their customers will stay for the connection and relatability, even if a fault occurs.  There is a real person with heart behind these businesses and this will always inevitably shine through and yield real loyalty amongst your consumers.


6. Help Others in Some Way.

Heart-Centered businesses help others in some way.  That help may be serving people, animals, the earth, etc.  Heart-centered businesses take a real look at their impact on the world and want to make a positive difference, not a negative one.


7. Remember Their ‘Why’ and the Mission.

Heart-centered businesses are in business to scratch an itch in their life.  They want to help and continually go back to their purpose instead of perpetuating “the grind.”  They keep their ‘why’ and their missions at the forefront of everything they do, and their core values lead them every step of the way.


8. Look Outward to Their Community.

Heart-centered businesses look outward into their community and analyze how they can be best helpful.  They see a missing piece, a need unfulfilled and a want within their communities and consumers.  They aren’t looking within, they are serving others as their main reason in business.


9. Remain Authentic and True to Who They Are.

Heart-centered businesses had a unique idea to bring to their audience. They aren’t pretending to be who they are not, they did not steal an idea and package it in a slightly different way.  They show you their inner self and operate unapologetically FOR their consumers.

Heart-Centered businesses aren’t telling you what you want to hear, they ARE what you want in seeking their services.  They understand that not every customer is their ideal customer, and are okay with that.


10. Trust Their Instincts and Ideas.

Heart-centered business do not grasp at straws to reel in a customer or lead. They trust that their right buyer knows that this aligns with them and that those who are aligned will be who most benefits from their service or product.

Heart-Centered businesses trust their heart to know how to best serve those seeking out their business, and may even refer you elsewhere if they aren’t your right fit.  The heart-centered business knows the worth of their instincts and ideas because they have thought about them in relationship to their customer in a real way.

They don’t have to guess, they know it in their bones, and trust the idea and instincts.


So tell me, are you a heart-centered business?